At Woodfield Academy, we value each individual and encourage pupils to work towards their goals and aspiring to achieve, being the best we can be, together. We have an inclusive culture and passionately believe that education has the power to open doors and change lives for all. We aim for our pupils to not only stand together, shoulder to shoulder with their peers but also exceed expectations because fundamentally – anything is possible!

At the heart of our education is a rich curriculum designed to empower pupils. We believe our pupils need to feel that they are on an adventure in the pursuit of wisdom through which they develop a love of learning in all its rich variety. We build strong communities where every member of our school shares responsibility and is proud of their achievements on their journey with us and beyond.

We harness the best from our pupils through consistently good lessons, valuing parental contribution and working in partnerships to achieve excellence. We believe every student deserves access to the same breadth of curriculum and work hard to scaffold learning and experiences to ensure inclusion. We take pride in providing our pupils with opportunities for personal development and recognise that a pupils’ time spent at Woodfield Academy is a significant part of their journey towards the future.

Our philosophy is centralised around our four core values of – Compassion, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility

Through promoting these values, we believe our pupils should develop as:

  • Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society with compassion for self and others.
  • Ethically informed citizens at a local, national and global level with an ability to show respect to all individuals and the environment.
  • Ambitious, capable lifelong learners who persevere and show resilience.
  • Enterprising, creative contributors who are empowered and ready to play a full-part in life and take responsibility.

For more information or questions regarding the curriculum, please contact Mrs L Palser –


Curriculum Overview


At Woodfield Academy, we value each individual and encourage pupils to work towards their goals and aspiring to achieve, being the best, we can be together. We have an inclusive culture and passionately believe that education has the power to open doors and change lives for all. We aim for our pupils to not only stand together, shoulder to shoulder with their peers but also exceed expectations because fundamentally – anything is possible!

The curriculum at Woodfield Academy has been developed to teach pupils the most powerful knowledge in each subject area. Our pupils also learn a wide variety of skills, honing their expertise and talents in practical, vocal and written subject areas. Through a carefully constructed curriculum our pupils are given the maximum opportunity to internalise knowledge and skills across all subjects.

We have high expectations of what the pupils at Woodfield Academy can achieve and everyone is challenged to meet their potential. In order to achieve this, the most powerful substantive and procedural knowledge is carefully selected to ensure that the curriculum is knowledge rich and ambitious. We encourage our pupils to be curious about their learning and make connections within each subject and across others.

Our philosophy is centralised around our four core values of – Compassion, Respect, Resilience and Responsibility

Through promoting these values, we believe our pupils should develop as:

  • Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society with compassion for self and others.
  • Ethically informed citizens at a local, national and global level with an ability to show respect to all individuals and the environment.
  • Ambitious, capable lifelong learners who persevere and show resilience.
  • Enterprising, creative contributors who are empowered and ready to play a full-part in life and take responsibility.


Our curriculum delivers the support, knowledge and skills that means pupils feel they belong and are motivated to succeed. Transition links with partner schools provide our pupils with an effective learning journey through their education. Liaison between schools takes place throughout the year with departments working together, sharing good practice and ensuring a broad and balanced curriculum coverage for our pupils. Staff work together across the phases to share curriculum expertise and develop relationships with pupils prior to transition.


Quality assurance for our curriculum also includes a combination of the following activities. Focused faculty weeks include; work scrutiny, Learning walks, Stakeholder voice, Assessment data and Line management meetings.

The impact of the school’s curriculum is measured and validated through in a wide range of ways including;

Outcomes for students at Y6 SATS:-

  • Internal progress and attainment data for current year groups.
  • Attendance data.
  • Behaviour logs.
  • Engagement in enrichment activities.
  • Student voice